Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So Dumb....

So it's been awhile since I last posted anything really. Not that what I post is interesting anyway :/ However, I wanted to continue my ranting about nothing and everything. This time I want to discuss how stupid republicans are as a whole...just I'm serious. It's not just republicans, but democrats as well. Now, before anyone reading this (which is probably one really bored soul and insomniacs) freaks out, I do not claim to know a lot about politics, but I do know what is right and wrong. I like most Americans are fed up with the government. Some are calling for Obama's head to be served on a platter. It is insane though. There is no doubt that this country is in a shitty situation, however to say that it is Obama's alone fault is crazy. Does anyone remember we had a president before Obama that drove this country into the ground? I guess not.

I do not understand how someone can come to the conclusion that Obama is the problem. One does not have to agree with is views, or what he plans to do, but give the man a chance. I am sick and tired of hearing he's a socialist or any of that nonsense. Where do you people get this stuff from? Oh wait, I know. Glenn Beck and company. Does any republican realize that Beck says most of the stuff he does to get ratings? TV News is nothing more than a ratings war. But let's say he is a "socialist". So was Jesus right? Most conservatives are christian therefore they believe in Jesus and he preached socialism!

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.'" Matthew 19:23-24

Right from the good book itself! So giving away your money is a positive if you want to get closer to your lord and savior. But I do get that you do not want to give it all to the government and democrats because it may not go to good use. That said one cannot hide behind that excuse forever, but that is a discussion for another day. It's time to complain about those evil progressives!

They surely are evil wanting to help the less fortunate. Now, I am being a tiny bit biased as I tend to agree with more liberal ideas, however I am just fed up with democrats as well. It seems as though they want to give money away to people who really do not use it to better themselves. Time and time again they fund a program that gives to a minority group because it is a minority group. Why? Equality means that everyone has a fair chance. To think that black people or any other people that are not white need a hand out is crazy! In fact white people are the ones that need help! Every other race seems to be progressing. Wait! Why should it have anything to do with race?! The democrats need to learn to help EVERYONE that needs it. The middle class especially. They also need to develop some kind of a backbone and fight back fear that conservatives put into the hearts and minds of American citizens. Enough is enough!

We need to change the way the country works as a whole. As Jon Stewart's rally said, we need to restore sanity. Stop fighting over the little things and learn that both sides cannot get everything they want and not all of it is good. Realize that religion should be nowhere near government. That EVERY politician has good intentions. That your President is not a socialist, but a man who defied odds to become the leader of the free world. Realize that we need to work together and change the way we view politics. No more liberal or conservative because we can be both. Moderation is the key to salvation!

Thanks and enjoy my rant!

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