Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why nobody should be defending the Xbox One

First, and foremost I have to say that I am not condemning the new Xbox, while boasting the PS4. At this point, with all the knowledge we have and all the unknown information about the PS4 I am not for or against it. However, I am against the Xbox One. There are just a few too many issues:

Issue # 1: "Always online"

The fact that the Xbox One requires a constant internet connection for the most part is undermining the purchase that the gamer is making. If the internet goes down and you cannot connect to XBL for a few days, you cannot play your games after 24 hours. Now, this doesn't seem like that big deal because most have internet connections that do not drop out for periods of longer than 24 hours at a time, but this is a huge deal in terms of what consoles allowed before this next gen and what they offer this next gen. The plain fact that someone is restricted from playing their own games is ridiculous. And what is their reasoning? That use of the cloud for storage along will make the system faster and better. Which brings me to issue # 2.

Issue # 2: Cloud is better

The lie that Microsoft and fans of the Xbox One are perpetuating is that the cloud will help the system and the consumer. Yes, the cloud allows faster reading of the game, but it is not that noticeable. Installing a game to the system will not change the game in drastic measures. What supporters of the cloud will tell you is that cloud gaming is our future. They are right, if we make it that way. The loss of physical copies creates a problem for consumers. The consumer loses their right to sell the product and the cost is still the same. Used games in general have been subject to an attack and supporters of the Xbox One seem to brush this issue off.

Issue # 3: Used games (Or lack thereof)

Used games were considered the devil to developers, publishers, Sony, and Microsoft this gen. They were targeted as the reason that game studios could not make it, while ignoring the fact that they just happened to make terrible games nobody wanted to play. Used games were told to be the reason for every rip off that the industry threw at the consumer. Online passes, over priced DLC, lack of support, etc. It seemed that developers were almost making up reasons to short the consumer and then blame it somehow on used games. Of course to be sensible at all used game sales do take away from the developer's profit. However, it is the right of a consumer to buy and sell any product he or she wants. Restricting this is an insult that only benefits one side. It should not be the job of the console manufacturer to make a system that makes used games non-existent, but instead the developer should make a game that is more sought after. Let it be known though that the emergence of the Call of Duty type games, where people only buy that can create an issue, but that is an industry issue that the gamer should not be victim of. Despite the surmounting reasons for gamers to not support this feature, there are a segment that seem to be okay with this. Now, it may be that they always buy new or that they do not mind always buying new, but it leads me to suspect something worse; blind loyalty.

Issue # 4: Blind Loyalty

This gen brought a console war like no other. Fanboys of both the 360 and PS3 argued over frivolous points. Debating daily which system was better. The only winners were the console manufacturers themselves. They both managed to build brands that gamers would commit blind allegiance to. This is the root of the Xbox One debate. There are gamers that plain ol' love MS and will not admit it has faults that are concerning to a gamer. This blind loyalty has to stop now, if gamers are to not be taken advantage of. Look, there are some great exclusives from each console, but honestly why restrict yourself to one console? What gain is there from being on the "winning" side, this is not a war, its a sales competition. Do not be so naive to think that you being team MS or team Sony will provide a better benefit than being team gamer. Play games for your own enjoyment, if you dislike the product one has to offer, do not discourage it selling because competition is all we have to make a product better. Look no further than Madden as proof competition is needed.


For these four reasons I am and totally against the Xbox One, as any gamer who is interested in their own well being should be too. The Xbox One is the beginning of a slippery slope if console manufacturers keep pushing gamers, which they will. I am not calling for support of the PS4 or Wii U, but instead asking to not support any system which does this to their customers. I do not care if it can be a cable box or stream Netflix. I have devices that can do that already. I want a system that allows me to play games whenever and sell that if I don't like them. I want a system with games.

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